Future Gift Expands Impact

Ed McKenna

The moment Ed McKenna heard Amy Mansue, former president and CEO of Children'sSpecialized Hospital, speak passionately about the extraordinary work being done at Children's Specialized Hospital (CSH), he knew he wanted to be a part of the CSH story. Shortly after that fortuitous event, Ed joined the CSH Foundation Board of Trustees to help advance the hospital's mission to help all children reach their full potential. "The complete devotion of the staff is awe-inspiring. When you meet the kids and hear their stories, and you see the results of that devoted care—it's miraculous."

Over the years, Ed's work with the board of trustees has been so rewarding, he is now committed to co-chairing an exciting new phase in the hospital's future, the Transforming Lives 2.0 Capital Campaign. "This campaign is easy to believe in," Ed says. "Every dollar raised helps to expand the scope of care at CSH. With enhanced facilities and programs, we will have the ability to increase access and treat more kids with the specialized care they need—this campaign will change kids' futures, it's really that simple."

As an attorney and former mayor of Red Bank Borough in New Jersey, Ed has experience planning for the future. In reviewing his personal future plans, Ed saw the significant benefit of making a future gift to Children's Specialized Hospital Foundation: "Planned giving is a simple way to share what we have been blessed with in life. Whether it is through an estate plan, an annuity, investments or one of many other options, future gifts have a moral benefit. There is enormous personal value in giving a gift with a positive impact for children in need."

To learn more about planning a gift for the future to Children's Specialized Hospital Foundation, please contact Elena Herskowitz at 1-201-618-3133 or 1-888-CHILDREN ext. 55462 or eherskowitz@childrens-specialized.org.